Hello Tal of Chicago.
My prize!
so that you can see where your prize is coming from.
These were all taken within a 5 minute stroll of my apartment.
Sunshine doesn't ship too well,
Otherwise you'd be getting some of that in your parcel too!
This lurker says "hi" and thank you for your wonderful blog. I'm going to try the no-knead bread - with your variations- very soon.
I just wanted to let you know I've been following your blog for a while now. I love it.
You make my regular enviroment (I live in Jerusalem) feel so special.
Kol Hakavod!
Hey Lisa,
Thank you so much for dropping in and saying "hi". It is really nice to know you're out there watching what's going on in my little world. I love The Bread - it is so easy and hastle free. The one I like the best {so far} has been with all of the mixed flours and grains. The spelt really makes a difference in the flavour. Enjoy 8^}
Thank you for your kind words and lovely compliment! We do live in a very special part of the world and I love the opportunity my blog gives me of showing it to people - those who are familiar with it and those who aren't. Jerusalem is so amazing and I always have so much fun when I visit, though I have to admit to not being nearly as familiar with it as I would like. That just means that I need to visit more often!
I love your photos ,
Toda ,can I write you in Hebrew letters? ;)
Hey Chanit,
כמובן את יכולה לכתוב בעברית 8^}
But I will answer in English because I type so much quicker and don't have to think about spelling or grammar - which is a very hard thing to do after work...
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