Life the universe and everything... Mudpies and mayhem in Jaffa
On the eighth night I played around with my camera
By candle light.
Please note how tiny these clementines are...
They fit easily into a tablespoon!
Not only were they cute... they tasted great too!
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how did u get the pic like that? the candles, i mean. tres cool.
they actually sell clementines THAT small? so cute. i am still looking at them amazed. i imagine they did taste great being that small. bursts of sunshiney goodness. all in a tablespoon's worth. beauty full clementine cleverness.
Hey BB,
I had the camera on autp, focussed on the candles, moved the camera angle up to the flame, and then swung the camera angle back down almost before I pressed the button. Kind of like a night shot but with the camera moving instead of the object. Got the idea from Idan at You should check out his site, he has some amazing pics...
As to the clementines, they were part of my CSA box - what happens to fruit when it doesn't get pumped with steroids...
i figured there was movement of some sort, like drawing the camera down as the picture was shot.
i have seen his pix. very nice photography, i agree. the oranges in all three stages of 'disrobement' remind me of a famous painting .... can't remember from who at the moment.
btw, the code for imbedding an http code is (<)a href="URL">LINK TITLE(<)/a(>) -- fill in the url & link title (whatever you want to call it) and keep everything else the same. but maybe u know that already. :) take off the first and last ( ) brackets around the < > ;had to put them to make the code print.
Hey Paz,
Thanks! And Happy Merry and Merry Happy to you - hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year brings you only good things.
Hey BB,
Actually, I know 0 code... and I usually post after a very long day at work when the grey cells are shrivelled up and incapable of coherent thought... mind you that might be their permanent state of affairs! I'll have to copy and paste that one into my list of things used alot.
And now you need to find out which painting it is and send me a link... probably still life with oranges from velasquez or someone similar... it is the dark brooding background and subdued colours, with shadows on the oranges... something like that anyways...
will look thru a few of my books and let u know. u may be right about velasquez.
nice pics of the tangerines
Hey Yudit,
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